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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "proest movements - china - 21st century"

     1  proest movements - china - 21st century
     2  prof
     1  prof in
     1  prof revives
     1  prof-zheng-yongnian-what-does-chinas-anti-corruption-campaign-tell-us
     2  prof.
     1  prof. dr. ing.
     1  prof. dr.-ing. h. siegfried stiehl
     1  prof. liu
     1  profession
     1  profession in
     5  professional
     1  professional ethics
     1  professionalisierung
     1  professionalisierung des tischtennis in china
     1  professionals
     1  professionals leave
     3  professions
     1  professions no
    15  professor
     1  professor attacks
     1  professor calls
     1  professor calls for democratic reform of party
     1  professor criticizes
     1  professor fired
     1  professor is
     2  professor sacked
     1  professor sacked for taking us post
     1  professor who
     3  professor's

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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